
Ranunculus flower

Original price was: ₹149.00.Current price is: ₹99.00.

Product information

  • Number of Ranunculus Flower Bulb: 5N
  • Where to grow: Balcony or terrace garden
  • Bulb planting season: Fall (September-October)
  • Planting Temperature: 12-16°C
  • Method of grown from bulbs: Directly in a pot or garden
  • Bulb sowing depth: 5 cm
  • Germination Time: About 14 days
  • Blooming Time: Spring to early summer (2-3 months after planting)
  • Flower Color: Mixed

Product Description

The Ranunculus flower, also known as ‘‘Buttercup” is famous for its unique flowers having ruffled petals with paper thin-like textures in red, gold, yellow, white, and orange colors. These gorgeous flowers are beloved for their colored double-ruffled petals, tall stems, and long vase life. Ranunculus, when grown together with different colors of flowers, gives your garden a beautiful look during the spring season. It propagates with the bulbs or tubers. Ranunculus flowers have long stems and bushier foliage. Lightweight flowers are also used as the cut flowers because they can have a vase life of 7 days indoors after cutting.

Product information

  • Number of Ranunculus Flower Bulb: 5N
  • Where to grow: Balcony or terrace garden
  • Bulb planting season: Fall (September-October)
  • Planting Temperature: 12-16°C
  • Method of grown from bulbs: Directly in a pot or garden
  • Bulb sowing depth: 5 cm
  • Germination Time: About 14 days
  • Blooming Time: Spring to early summer (2-3 months after planting)
  • Flower Color: Mixed

Ranunculus Flower Care Tips

Soil: Use moist but well-draining soil for planting Ranunculus. If you don’t have well-draining soil, you can improve the soil by adding organic matter.

Water: It has moderate water needs, you should water daily until established and then keep the soil moist. Give less water in winter to avoid rotting of the tubers.

Sunlight: Ranunculus thrives in full sunlight but also grows well in partial shade. If you plan to grow indoors, put the pot on a window sill where it will get maximum hours of sunlight.

Temperature: Ranunculus flower plants grow best in temperatures between 15-24°C.

Common pests and diseases: Slugs and aphids are some pests that attack the Ranunculus plant. You can use neem oil to control pests. Whereas powdery mildew disease infects the plant due to high humidity and the continuous wetting of leaves. You can control this disease by removing the infected part of the plant.
Mulching – Mulch is good for protecting the ranunculus from extreme heat and retaining moisture in the soil.